Friday, May 17, 2013

3rd Friday in Safety Harbor

The 3rd friday of every month Safety Harbor has their 3rd Friday Music Series that takes place in DOWNTOWN SAFETY HARBOR on Main Street. Enjoy an evening filled with shopping, dining and entertainment. Enjoy LIVE MUSIC at the gazebo and throughout downtown as well as food vendors, shops and restaurants. Stop at FUNK'S WAY at 228 Main Street this is a unique ART GALLERY with all types of Arts and Crafts and say hello to FUNK. Just down the street is BRADY's BBQ at 340 Main Street stop and have some BBQ or a glass of wine or a beer. Also make sure to visit THE CHOP SHOP hair salon at 500 Main Street they have a stage set up out front with one of the staff cutting hair and talking with the crowd. Take the time to meet the owner MIKE and tell him that MR.TAMPA BAY sent you! So go to SAFETY HARBOR and see all this great town has to offer and keep ENJOYING TAMPA BAY!

1 comment:

  1. How did you find this image without my watermark? This is intellectual property of Lesley Drewitz (Budde) and I did not give you permission to pst this image. Please contact me 727-644-9871. I can prove with original files this is mine.
